Saturday, April 7, 2012

Go make some money

1. Pick a method and stick with it until successful. Do not give excuses about lacking resources.

What you need!
A. A computer.
B. A method.
C. Means of payment.
D. Persistence, you can not give up easily to sussed.

2.The majority of monetizing takes a social approach.

A. Always check spelling and grammar.
B. Be nice to people. Being polite can go a long ways with the general public or in private.
C. Try to be as professional as possible. If I said "I wish someone would click this fucking link so I can make some money." does it make you want to click on the link?
D. Persuasion is your friend. All ways make things seem smooth.
E. Find what people are after and give it to them. This is called a niche.

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